Light Your Own Fire

Empress SunofJah
3 min readJun 6, 2020

Most of my life my family was very judgmental about my lifestyle. I’ve been called lazy, weird, and on. Questions like what do you do all day surface. Inquiries into why I did this and didn’t do that have always been around. Eventually it becomes all too exhausting. Then, I realized I’m not required to answer or entertain those questions. I frankly don’t care what anyone thinks about my lifestyle choices nor should you.

How to Light Your Own Fire

#1 Take time to get to know yourself and what you need. Personally, I know I need seclusion and minimal interaction with public. People drain my energy and I prefer to conserve it for other tasks. I also know that I like quiet and serene environments where I have space to think, ponder, and muse. I prefer to be in the comfort of my own home. This means a home based business is a top priority for me.

#2 Be firm and clear about who you are. Live the life you desire. You don’t owe anyone an explanation. You have unique needs that you must honor. My family is very conservative, traditional and by the book devote Christians. I’m not and that’s by choice. What they have attempted to do is to fit me in the mainstream American box in which I was never meant to fit in.

#3 And that leads me to this point, block your haters. Oftentimes they are the people who profess to love you the most. To force someone to suffer and invalidate their concerns and needs is abusive. Walk far away from abusive people, places and things and see how bright your light will shine.

#4 Invest in yourself. The best advice I got this year was to invest in myself. Invest in my skills, talents, and visions. Why didn’t I think of that earlier?Self growth and development are a large part of spirituality. As someone who identifies more with the spiritual realms of life than the religious ones, I enjoy putting the spotlight on myself. Developing positive self esteem and living my true purpose are my reason to be.

#5 Stop trying to fit into someone else’s standards. There is no one size fits all life. No two lives are the same nor do they need to be. What works for one person isn’t going to work for you. Stop put your life and dreams in someone else’s hands.

Remember, it’s your life. You are the main character. Stand firmly in your full power — unapologetically. Be your full self. Go where you can let your light shine bright. Avoid dark places. Avoid attachment to people, places, and things that invalidate your light. Allow yourself to bask in your own glory. Detach yourself from anything that holds you back from being your unique self. Take back control of your life and keep shining.



Empress SunofJah

Love. Light. Healing. You can't be fixed but you can be loved.