How to Attract the Love of Your Life

Empress SunofJah
3 min readApr 19, 2021

“I love you!” We all long for these words to be spoken to us. Love is the reason for our existence. Everything we do, we do for love. It can even be addictive. But what is love? How do we know love is really true and authentic? And why do we crave it so much?

Love is the ultimate achievement in life. To have someone to love and someone to love you is the pennacle of life. Ultimately this is what we all strive for. What we are really striving for is acceptance. We are looking for someone to validate us. We don’t need everyone to validate us. We just need that one person. Out of billions of people on this earth, we are looking for just one person to approve of us.

Validation gives us purpose. It confirms that we are living out our mission and vision. It gives us a reason for being. We are always looking for our reason for existing. Our society encourages us to follow the beaten path. Go to school, go to work, retire, and die. The end. And for the majority of our society, work gives us validation.

What if you don’t conform to the societal cues? What if you break free and take the path least traveled? What if acceptance is no longer your reason for being? When you deviate from the acceptable path validation becomes harder to find and thus love too becomes harder to find.

Spiritual journeys have always been about turning away from society. It’s normally about going against societal norms in favor of something new. It requires a great deal of courage. It also requires mental fortitude. Because ultimately when you go against society, love and acceptance are often withheld. You are deemed unacceptable.

Love and social acceptance go hand in hand. We live in a culture that loves those who fit societal norms. And that’s why it is a lot easier for some to find love. Because they fit neatly into the picture. What happens when you don’t fit into the norm? Many walk away entirely from love when they embark on the spiritual path. The path to enlightenment is normally a solo one.

“I love me!” We learn that the road to enlightenment is paved with a lot of self love and appreciation. We learn that societies cravings for love is superficial. The only love that matters is within. The only true acceptance we should strive for is within. The only one that can truly accept us is us. You are the love of your life. And the love that you give to yourself you radiate out to the world.

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Empress SunofJah

Love. Light. Healing. You can't be fixed but you can be loved.